Columbia University Planning Framework StudyColumbia University has finally released its Planning Framework Study, three years in the making, on
the future preservation and development of its own campus and the surrounding neighborhood. Hats off to Wendy Feuer, project director, for this magnificent investment in our future. It was
produced by a working group designed to bring together various parties interested in the built environment of Morningside Heights, and is available for public perusal at the
W.113th St. Branch of the NY Public Library. We encourage everyone to take a look at it in order to be informed participants in discussions of our neighborhood's future.
The working group consists of (alphabetically):
John Arbo - 112th St. Block Association Paul Bente - Dept. of Architecture, Planning & Preservation, CU Barry Bergdoll - Dept. of Art History, CU Diane Bratcher - Chairperson, Community Board 7 Paul Byard - Architect Peg Breen - N.Y Landmarks Conservancy Faith Consolo - Senior Manager, Garrick-Aus Associates Maritta Dunn - Chairperson, Community Board 9 Joan Gerner - Lehrer McGovern Bovis Inc. Sigurd Grava - Dept. of Architecture, Planning & Preservation, CU Carolyn Halpin-Healy - Community Resident Carolyn Kent - Morningside Heights Historic District Committee Mary McNamara - Chairperson, Morningside Area Alliance Dorothy Miner, Esq. - Adjunct Faculty, Columbia University Jan Pokorny - Dept. of Architecture, Planning & Preservation, CU Charles Reiss - Vice-President Development, Trump Organization Bob Roistacher - Community Resident Brendan Sexton - Municipal Art Society Lisa Wager - Community Resident
The Columbia University administration participants are:Emily Lloyd - Executive Vice-President for Administration Larry Kilduff - Vice-President for Facilities Management Larry Dias - Assistant VP & Director, Government Relations & Community Affairs Patricia Lancaster- Assistant VP for Planning, Design & Construction Bill Scott - Deputy VP Institutional Real Estate Bernhard Haeckel- Director of Planning and Space Information Systems Irwin Lefkowitz - University Architect Anne Canty - Director of Communications and Public Information Geoffrey Wiener- Deputy Director, Planning & Space Information Systems Wendy Feuer- Project DirectorThe Following are Consultants to the Project:PLANNING FRAMEWORK STUDY: The historic preservation firm of Beyer Blinder Belle.
John H. Beyer - Partner in Charge John Belle - Partner Richard Southwick - Partner, Project Management James Rhodes - Associate Partner, Preservation Architect Norma Barbacci - Preservation Planner
BBB has worked on the preservation of Ellis Island, Grand Central Station, and Stone St. in Lower Manhattan. They will develop comprehensive planning guidelines for the preservation and development of Columbia buildings.
OFF-CAMPUS BUILDING SURVEY & DEVELOPMENT OF PRESERVATION GUIDELINES: The historic preservation firm of Higgins & Quasebarth.
Elise Quasebarth - Partner in Charge Christopher Neville - Associate Cas Stachelberg - Associate
Andrew Dolkart - Architectural Historian
Higgins & Quasebarth, consultants in the preservation and rehabilitation of historic properties, will inventory the more than 150 off-campus apartment buildings owned by Columbia, provide baseline data and develop preservation guidelines.
LANDSCAPE MASTER PLAN: Thomas Balsey Associates in association with Lynden B. Miller Public Garden Design and H.M.Brandston Lighting Design. Thomas Balsey - Principal Kathleen Bakewell - Project Manager Lynden B. Miller - Principal Christina Mann - Associate Howard Brandston - Principal, lighting design Robert Prouse - Partner Andrew Dolkart - architectural historian, Columbia adjunct professor
Thomas Balsey Associates, a landscape architecture firm, will work with associates to develop a landscape master plan, including recommendations on plantings, signage, paving, lighting and street furniture. Andrew Dolkart has just published a book Morningside Heights: A History of its Architecture and Development and will work with the landscape architects to provide historic context.
Pierce Hall, an old design for Mathematics Quad that may one day be built.
