his is the underside of the bridge that carries
Riverside Drive north out of our neighborhood over the Manhattanville valley. Morningside Heights really is a heights (about 140 feet worth). If you look carefully under this viaduct, you will find cobblestones and old trolley tracks.
Peter Marcus' New York, the Nation's Metropolis (1921) had this to say about it:
"The Hudson and the Palisades combine in making "Riverside" one of the most naturally beautiful driveways in the world. Yet it owes much also to the workers of magic in steel. Northward from Grant's Tomb and Claremont for half a mile or more it is upheld by giant arches of their making. Across a whole valley, this broad roadbed all glistening in the sun and streaked by the gay lines of endless pleasure traffic, rolls grandly on, supported by the silent strength of that great land bridge, the Viaduct." (p.20)