Teachers College Building on 121st St.
Teachers College of Columbia University is considering building student housing on the site marked in red below. They originally considered putting in a conference center as well but the bedrock is too hard to excavate cheaply. The building will house 200 students of TC and possibly be rented out to other institutions. It will have a street wall congruent with adjacent buildings and two towers: an 11-story tower on the south side and a 17-story one on the north. The architect is Paul Broches of Mitchell-Giurgola architects, which has also designed the Sherman-Fairchild biology builing at Columbia and has done the TC master plan. The building will be as-of-right with respect to zoning. The site, which is currently vacant except for a big shed, is 517 W. 121st St. and 514-520 W. 122nd St.
The problem with this building is that the towers are out-of-context for the low-rise block, despite the architect's claims that the design, which has not yet been made public, will be contextual.
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