New Building's Shortcomings Risk
Constraining CBS Ascendancy
Editorial in
The Bottom Line by Jared Goldstein
new building represents a long
awaited opportunity to redress structural issues that have been
holding Columbia Business School back from the top three. This
is where we belong and where the world's top business city demands
us to be. This opportunity will probably not be available again
to our school until at least well into the 21st Century. From
what I have seen of this new building's plans, vision, and its
compromises we risk blowing the chance to break into the top of
the top. I fear that the millions to be spent on this building
will be spent on the wrong priorities, taking our school in the
wrong direction.
The Bottom Line editorialized
last week that Columbia Business School's ranking suffers for
student dissatisfaction. The currency of our degrees depends on
a sense of community here at CBS, the flip side of the vaunted
New York Advantage. More than anything else at this point, the
reputation of our school is based on the quality and satisfaction
of the MBA program's students. This is a testament to the hard
work of faculty and administrators in this decade, as personified
in Dean Feldberg's tireless work. When his administration began,
there was a great deal more to be done to raise our school in
the rankings. For example, academic quality, student selectivity,
and alumni support have all gone way up. Student dissatisfaction
with the building remains our Achilles Heel. This should continue
to have a drag on future donations for decades.
This situation is largely caused
by a barely adequate building that lacks community space. All
space at this university is tightly contested, so planning for
more space must be done judiciously and strategically. Hallways
and bathrooms are packed between classes. The library is nearly
as cold as the outdoors. People study with jackets and scarves
on, and we endure colds for weeks. Clubs do not have adequate
offices and this affects student life. Our cafeteria is packed
during lunch time. Undergraduates, whose student center has been
torn down, are joining the overflowing MBAs in the Deli. This
is life for MBAs at CBS.
The community that exists at CBS
is a community of sardines. Members of the Columbia Whine Society,
of which I am a member, sing a chorus of complaint about the library,
lack of study space, and the exodus for a place to have a meal
with another person. The new building's plans do not address
any of these obstacles to quality of life. It will merely split
our sardine-like community asunder, so that we have even less
in common.
The most comprehensive solution would
be to renovate and expand Uris Hall. We seem to be under-capitalized
for this solution. Perhaps we should forgo a new building until
we can do the job right. Instead, classroom and group meeting
spaces will be split between this building and the new one across
Amsterdam Avenue, four blocks down. We will no longer be a school
of over packed sardines. Instead, Columbia MBA students will
experience not one but a second set exoduses. With the new building
out yonder, I envision study groups trying to unite, trudging
back in forth across campus and snow, vainly searching for missing
or confused group members. The cafeteria in Uris will remain seatless,
continuing our never ending search for a flat surface and a chair
to dine with.
Instead of addressing our need for
increased community, the new off-site building will perpetuate,
encourage and be a symbol of the emptiness that MBAs are likely
to feel after its construction. The new building will have a
vast lobby and two-story atriums. In our space and community
starved program, such architectural minimalism does not serve
our needs. Form is not following function.
Those of us who participate in or
lead campus activities would appreciate real offices for our clubs,
so we can have files, institutional memories, and libraries of
books and magazine subscriptions. Other top business schools
have offices for clubs. Perhaps these schools value extracurricular
activities as community and leadership builders. Let's do away
with empty atriums and fill them with the community spirit that
only club offices can provide. As the new building is envisioned
club leaders will continue to struggle unnecessarily. Our big
atriums with lots of empty space to heat will do little to warm
the need for human contact. Surely, it strikes many of us as
strange that Happy Hour is the only time that many of us are in
one place, and most professors boycott it.
It does not have to be this way.
The new building can serve our community and enhance it. More
important than club offices, we need an attractive late night
cafe in the lobby that is accessible to students in the building
and from the street. This cafe must be run by a private off-campus
firm that must competitively bid for the concession. Part of
the bid consideration should consider quality of food, late hours,
affordability/fair prices, customer responsiveness, and space
for graduate students to socialize, work, or have smaller scale
Columbia University Dining Services
acts like a monopoly with Uris Deli. The quality is not that
great and prices seem to have a 10-20% premium over stores outside
the campus gates. My proposed new building cafe would provide
an atmosphere that students and professors can enjoy together
in civility. It will relieve congestion in Uris Deli and provide
Dining Services with some much needed competition. Present plans
for the new building preclude a community eating space. It is
a shame because breaking bread together in a pleasant environment
is a time honored international tradition.
The new building's plans include
a student lounge. I hope that if it is built without food amenities
that is will be less dreary than that abandoned and forlorn lounge
in SIPA, or the strange atmosphere that pervades our own Lehman
Some of the rest of the two thousand
square foot lobby can go street front stores, such as a dry cleaners,
of which one is being displaced by the building, an international
newsstand, and a Mailboxes etc. type establishment. The reason
I am pushing for commercial spaces in this building is that the
new building is removing or displacing necessary and useful community
amenities, including a Post Office. As the building is being
designed now, it will be extremely difficult to retrofit stores
into the building without hugely expensive work. If these shortcomings
are not rectified soon, they will likely be part of the new building
permanently. A monument to shortsighted planning and not having
quite enough money to do the job the right way. It will also
leave a hole in the fabric of the neighborhood that is not likely
to heal with all the institutions having expanded onto Amsterdam
over the past few decades.
Stores make a building fit into a
commercial avenue's context better. With the new building stores
will largely be missing from that side of Amsterdam Avenue from
110th to 119th Streets. The new building's removal of commercial
space from the neighborhood has got to have safety ramifications
for both students and community residents, especially at night.
Having a late night café will provide neighborhood security,
street activity, ground level lighting, and a safe haven. All
without having to hire security personnel. Something will have
to be done to make that building safe. Last summer and autumn
there were several cases of rapes reported to Columbia Security
in that vicinity.
The Fall issue of Hermes states
that "the new building...is a fitting symbol of the School,
embodying tradition...." All too true, unfortunately. The
unpleasant reality of Columbia University student life is that
it has been overly relying on its New York advantage for at least
a hundred years. Unfortunately, this seems the tradition that
the new building is celebrating: one of a University that is aloof
to student and neighborhood needs, aloof to student comforts and
need for community. This will continue to dog the currency of
our degree and needlessly hold us back. The facade's only ornamentation
is a secant with two creases in its corners. It looks like a
frown. I propose turning this into an elongated triangle, an
arrow pointing up. A more fitting symbol for an edifice housing
the best Business and Law Schools in the Excelsior State. Besides
ornamentation, we need the building to give students real reasons
to smile.
Let's learn from our mistakes. One
hundred years ago, Columbia University was preparing to move from
its overcrowded campus on 49th
and Madison Avenue to the present Morningside Heights campus.
The Trustees faced decisions that would decide the feel and fate
of this University for over a hundred years. The obvious choice,
as chronicled in Columbia, Colossus on the Hudson, was
to buy land to the Hudson River. The steps of Low Library would
have had tremendous views of sunsets, the football stadium on
the bottom where Riverside Park and the highway is today, the
river, and New Jersey.
Instead, the campus faces south,
embracing New York City. The Trustees waived on the more expensive
option to encourage student life (as was done at the other Ivies)
and let the football stadium be located off campus. Community
amenities like a student center were to wait for fifty years.
These decisions have held Columbia back from its top ranking
to this day. Columbia College, the main undergraduate school
here, is not even ranked top ten, largely because student life
suffered for the decisions of academic and fiscal expedience.
Its close competitors from that era are in the top ten and have
been there for decades. Those schools' alumni reward their administrations
with large donations because of the friendships they formed while
in school. I posit that the Trustees' decisions in 1896 have
even held back CBS' reputation through a reverse halo effect,
even though CBS was not to be founded until decades later. This
is because undergraduate school reputations drive their universities'
Similarly, Business School reputations
these days are driven by the quality and quality of life of their
core MBA programs, not their Executive MBA or Ph.D. programs,
for example. The MBAs programs, including student life, are the
heart of the Business Week and US News rankings. If space is
too constrained to do the job right in the new building, perhaps
the EMBA program can move to Columbia's beautiful new building
on Lexington and 51st Street or rent similar space somewhere more
centrally located. The EMBA program may be an even richer source
of revenue for CBS and Columbia than the MBAs, but they don't
drive our reputation as much, and I doubt that they donate as
much down the road. It seems to me that once again the EMBAs
are getting the fruit while students suck on rinds. Our tuition
and living expenses are probably the highest for any business
school; we should not feel like second class citizens in our own
building/s. Their dominance in the new building is probably a
reason that this building falls so far short of what we need it
to accomplish for the CBS MBA community to make it to the next
I do not have all the answers to
the questions that face our community with this new building.
I think that the current planning process is leaving out too
many perspectives and risks locking our school into some negatively
constraining structures. We need to include diverse student leaders,
faculty, all levels of Business School employees, Law School representatives,
an expert from the Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Planning,
and neighborhood representatives into the new building's planning
process. Let us not lose this opportunity to use the new building
to vault our MBA program ranking to the highest level while improving
the surrounding community.
The writer of this article is
a student leader and a former community organizer. As an undergraduate,
he served as an advisor to the designers of Columbia College's
well-received Schapiro Dormitory. He also worked at the Metropolitan
Museum of Art's Department of Twentieth Century Architecture and
Throughout last semester he unsuccessfully
attempted to bring these ideas up to the GBA, the Dean, and the
Dean's point man for the new building. If this article does not
open up a broader constructive dialogue, the author would be happy
to participate in an independent committee to better our school
and community through the new building's design.